But when asked what the country would pass through between the pullout of the remaining 50,000 Soviet soldiers and the eventual peace, he grew pensive.
And then there is the chance, now in the wind once again, of an eventual peace with Syria.
He also helped greatly with the eventual peace between the colonists and the natives.
Whether that opportunity can now be realized depends on the future conduct of the war, and the shape of the eventual peace.
Perhaps there was reason to hope for eventual peace after all.
He was also involved in the Kosovo bombings, and the negotiations that led to an eventual peace.
The promise - of eventual peace and order - needs to be kept.
Yet after a long lull, sober talk about the shape of an eventual peace is again in the air.
The lack of a credible third party to "guarantee" the eventual peace also complicates matters.
Yet he must recognize that there can be no lasting exit from violence without a clear vision of eventual peace.