This decay has been hastened by the siege and eventual (partial) occupation by the Grays.
All five surveys include math and verbal aptitude tests and follow the students over time, allowing the researchers to match students' test scores with their eventual occupations.
Fearing the eventual occupation of Petrograd by the Germans, they moved the capital to Moscow.
But in the shadows of one narrow alley, one cocaine trafficker said an eventual occupation by Brazilian Army soldiers gave him no fear.
The Americans abandoned the earthworks that September with the eventual British occupation of New York City.
The eventual Japanese occupation of Dumaguete saw most of the Silliman community evacuating in the mountains of Negros.
Pacific Ridge School prepares students to succeed at the most selective universities and colleges, as well as in their eventual occupations and lifelong service.
During the hospital's reorganization and eventual occupation of the new site, its name was changed to Lincoln Hospital, in honor of President Abraham Lincoln.
Colonel Qaddafi also built several large bases, which served to supply his eventual occupation of the northern half of Chad.
Again and again, Rumsfeld pooh-poohed concerns about the hazards of an eventual occupation as preposterous.