In 1996 she was thought of as an eventual presidential candidate in her own right.
He most recently held the title of director for pro player development/contract negotiations, and in recent years has been viewed as an eventual candidate for a general manager's job.
The eventual candidate, Edward C. O'Rear, was lukewarm at best to Willson's administration.
Republican State Committee officials say they think Mr. Giuliani will support the eventual Republican candidate.
The eventual Conservative candidate, Mike Allen, lost to Liberal incumbent Andy Savoy.
Shaw was defeated by the eventual Democratic candidate, Ron Klein.
Akio Toyoda, 39, the oldest son of Shoichiro, now works in domestic marketing for Toyota and is considered an eventual candidate for president.
However some backing from local Conservatives may have benefited the eventual Conservative candidate, local alderman, J Pennington.
Willie Herenton of Memphis is so popular that he has long been considered a likely eventual candidate for mayor.
He wanted to play baseball at home in Cincinnati with his father looming as an eventual managerial candidate.