An eventual ban on all abortions, or even on a type of abortion, can and will impinge upon the religious freedom of women who have received religious counseling and approval for an abortion.
This led to its eventual ban in Zimbabwe.
Although it has pursued negotiations toward an eventual ban on nuclear testing, the Administration has stated that explosive tests will be needed for the indefinite future.
Following the turbo domination, forced induction was allowed for two seasons before its eventual ban.
He was instrumental in the eventual ban on cigarette sponsorship of the game.
More significantly, many legal scholars and human rights advocates credit the scandal he generated and the execution itself to have led to the eventual ban of all public executions in America.
On one side, the chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley called for fundamental changes, including an eventual ban on postseason football and basketball games.
An eventual ban on eating and drinking while driving is not out of the question, he said.
It also allows for an eventual ban on the disposal of dry cells that contain mer cury, lead or cadmium electrodes.