And maybe an eventual Hall of Famer, like Little or Langer, will be ignored.
In 1948, the eventual Hall of Fame jockey, Bill Shoemaker, began his career by exercising horses on this track.
The fans did not care why Seaver, an eventual Hall of Famer, was sent to Cincinnati, just that he was.
In about 1898, Corrigan claimed a horse the eventual Hall of Fame trainer Sam Hildreth was running.
Cap Anson, an eventual Hall of Famer, said he thought the bunt should be abolished, calling it a baby play.
The Smokies' manager that season: eventual Hall of Famer Earl Weaver.
Even though their stay was brief we are pleased to be a part of their eventual Hall of Fame legacy.
The Giants showed talents from their previous year in addition to eventual Hall of Fame player Travis Jackson.
And for an eventual Hall of Fame pitcher, that's an unremovable stain on his career.
His jockey, the eventual Hall of Fame inductee, Walter Miller, said, "I could have gone away at any time.