Within each of these main types there is a division into whether the object or event referred to is actually on the road or not.
In the late winter of 1968, he suffered a brief but intense nervous breakdown, an event occasionally referred to in his work.
External events refers more broadly to the ability to live and work in the extreme environment of space.
"Virtual event" can also refer to aspects of an event that are brought to users through an online experience.
For the occasion, the event has established an atmosphere of "space" and refers to the name by Jules Verne.
Since this event can only refer to a king's burial, the question here is the identity of this king.
Biathlon is also used to describe any sporting event made up of two disciplines, and may refer to:
The important dates in a sitting monarch's reign may also be commemorated, an event often referred to as a 'Jubilee'.
'One other little event we have not referred to.'
The effect is observed as an isolated event since monitoring refers generally to isolated components or subsystems of the whole.