Which is where an event like today's Street Sessions fits in.
The story doesn't really matter, so it's not worth spending a ton of brainpower trying to work out how all the events fit into the larger picture.
There are a few modes of reinterpretation that could make an event fit the belief in a just world.
As such events fit into predictable patterns, they become memorizable at lower levels in the hierarchy.
In all, both events fit into the bigger picture of the Wars of Religion.
We always provide telephone or fax facilities and try to schedule events to fit deadlines.
But the "guests" make every performance unpredictable and the event fits neatly within the conceptual framework of postmodern art.
The event fitted what Pam had told him.
He spends most of his time trying to figure out how economic and financial events fit together in a coherent framework.
As he talked so the events came back and fitted into sequence in Garrick's mind.