The temple is rebuilt, but this event disrupts 1,100 years of concentrated training in that facility.
There was no indication yesterday that the events would disrupt the trade center trial, which is to resume on Monday.
In the real world, events outside the realm of human control (e.g. natural disasters) can disrupt production.
A future event of this magnitude would disrupt the lives of 30 million people now living in these cities and their surroundings.
Stressful events disrupt the rhythmic structure of autonomic states, and subsequently, behaviors.
Indeed, these events have disrupted our illusion of national safety.
The events interfere with the plans for a funeral and disrupt the family and a stranded truck driver.
However, the event could escalate, contribute to other more serious events, or disrupt critical public safety services.
Some unfortunate events disrupt the adults' social group.
External events can sometimes influence them, or disrupt them.