This event "partly accounts for Pastafarians' flimsy moral standards."
Two fund-raising events on Wednesday in New Jersey accounted for $250,000 of the total.
These events, many observers think, account for the seriousness with which Harvard officials viewed the plagiarism committed by Shervert Frazier.
Some events in the artist's life may account for this approach.
Leading scientists hypothesize that events much like the 1986 volcanic gas releases at Lake Nyos, Africa could account for the large deposition of non-aquatic species.
However, research suggests that external events account for a much smaller proportion of the variance in self-reports of SWB than top-down factors, such as personality.
These three events account for his total cumulative career live event earnings of over $8.5 million.
These events coincide with the end of Achila's three-year reign and may have accounted for his death in battle with the invaders.
For the quarter, special events - mergers, acquisitions and stock buybacks - accounted for 24 percent of company downgradings.
Two recent events account in a direct way for the surge of interest in Wright.