Every evening for a week, hundreds of people gathered at the home for an hourlong prayer vigil.
Late that evening all the commanders, along with an artillery observer, gathered at my post.
They could barely see each other now that the evening had gathered.
That evening, about 24 people had gathered there to watch a football match.
That evening, he and some fellow-volunteers gathered in Rice's apartment.
You know how some evenings thick low clouds gather, black and grey clouds, even though no storm is approaching.
Every evening at five all the stray cats in the neighbourhood gather at his door and he feeds them.
Each evening young and old gather together at the harbor dock to watch the sunset.
As the evening gathered in and a light rain began to fall, we turned and trudged the miles we had come back through the forest.
Every evening in a little village near this coastal city, peasants gather in a private home and do something that used to be dangerous.