But it's characteristic of Ms. Woodbury's evenhanded approach that people on both sides of the Atlantic Yards debate can find ammunition here.
Even more pressing is the consideration that to be a truly effective peacemaker, the Security Council must develop a more dispassionate and evenhanded approach.
Donald's evenhanded approach to Sumner, Potter concluded, was a model for biographers working with a difficult subject.
Sideman's evenhanded approach provides the audience with an insight into the group members' psyche.
The acting commissioner is being watched for his every reaction to the controversy to see if he is maintaining an evenhanded approach in dealing with police officers.
Not everyone shares his evenhanded approach.
Jonas Savimbi, Unita's leader, will interpret your message as promoting an evenhanded approach at a time when he is searching for any excuse to avoid peace.
She is so carried away by the authors' "evenhanded approach" that she writes to thank them for their service to the truth.
However, there is little doubt that if the United States showed a more evenhanded approach, our prestige in the Arab world would get a much-needed boost.
This presumably provides an evenhanded approach to grading that represents a comparison of the quality of my work with that of other British students.