If so, this is the reason its water evaporates faster.
The pond may be much bigger today, but the water is evaporating faster.
But smaller black holes evaporate faster, and near the end of their lives release heat at a spectacular rate.
I heard that hygroscopic could be the reason for the salt water evaporating faster.
All her intentions of talking to him were evaporating fast, and yet there were things that he had to be told.
In summer, water would evaporate faster, drying the soil.
If the spa is heated it will evaporate faster.
"Precipitation that used to come as snow now comes as rain, which runs off or evaporates faster."
The fire above radiates heat down into the liquid, which gets rid of the heat just by evaporating faster.
When we heat water in a stove, the water evaporates fast, because of the high heat, and you can actually see it boiling.