While at Deets College Lillenas was in a college group that held evangelistic services most weekends.
She held evangelistic services in her Edinburgh home open to both rich and poor, and also established several chapels in both Scotland and England.
He has traveled in thirty-three countries to lead evangelistic services and activities as well as conferences and meetings with missionaries and Christian leaders in those countries.
According to Michael Ireland, "Hine and his wife, Edith, learned the Russian translation, and started using it in their evangelistic services.
His fitness for evangelistic service became more and more apparent.
According to Sandra Frankiel, "Together with his wife Manie, he offered street-corner meetings in the afternoons and evangelistic services nightly, with a meal afterwards.
March 1964: Rev. Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference conducted an annual evangelistic service and preaching mission at Second Baptist.
In 1944, Bebe Patten and her husband, C. Thomas Patten, conducted evangelistic services in the Bay Area.
The hall held Bible classes in the daytime and was the venue for evangelistic services in the evening.
In March 1931 Pettit conducted evangelistic services in nearby Clarence, New York in the northeast part of Erie County.