Yet despite agreement on those core issues, the fight for the evangelical vote has been fiercely joined in South Carolina.
I didn't hear anybody mention it last night, but his Mormonism must help explain why he got just fifteen per cent of the evangelical vote.
If Bush wins, the evangelical vote will have made the difference.
Sure, you're kidding, but the evangelical vote is a problem for him.
Bill Clinton did not win the evangelical vote in 1992 and 1996.
he picked her to draw the evangelical vote, which is a constituency that he needs.
In 2000 he received 68% of the white evangelical vote; in 2004 that percentage rose to 78%.
He won the evangelical vote in 1992, and won it again in 1996.
Ron Paul is winning the evangelical vote... that's an eye opener and bodes pretty well for him going forward.
The evangelical vote is far from monolithic, however.