Wellek and Warren consider genres as influencing "any critical and evaluative ... study".
There are few well designed evaluative studies that examine how different symptoms respond to an intervention and under what circumstances.
The government implemented its reforms without commissioning any evaluative or pilot studies and the experience of similar developments in the American health care system provided only limited comparisons.
There is clearly a need for more evaluative studies in this area.
Given constraints on resources, research plans will have to take account of existing or relatively easily gathered data about services and consumers and the evaluative studies being conducted elsewhere.
Finally, it must be emphasized that social workers need confidence in handling research as evaluative studies will reveal disappointments as well as achievements.
This held true through a number of further evaluative studies of the data (Brown 1974).
The Institute also undertakes evaluative studies and large-scale surveys.
However, there are very few high-quality evaluative studies that measure these outcomes, and none that reported data on an (sic) possible declines in bicycle use.
An evaluative study of Verrier Elwin, folklorist, by Bhabagrahi Misra.