Effects of grapefruit juice on intestinal P-glycoprotein: evaluation using digoxin in humans.
An evaluation of two approaches for teaching reading comprehension strategies in the primary years using science information texts.
Typically, 20 or 30s was required for a full evaluation using all the equations, though processing could have been ten times as quick with an 80287 fitted.
Cache coherence protocols: evaluation using a multiprocessor simulation model.
A team of professionals conducts the evaluation using a variety of tools and measures.
Clinical evaluation of long-term treatment using cernitin pollen extract in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
On average about 250 of these will show sufficient promise for further evaluation using laboratory tests, mice and other test animals.
Parallel evaluation of expressions using multiple CPU cores.
Critical evaluation of literary non-fiction using autobiography and travel writing as examples.
Cognitive-behavioral treatments are subject randomized controlled trials and "have been subjected to more rigorous evaluation using RCTs than any of the other psychological therapies".