As for any typed language, type safety is a fundamental property of all of these evaluation strategies.
A language may combine several evaluation strategies; for example, C++ combines call-by-value with call-by-reference.
When the reference is passed to the callee uninitialized, this evaluation strategy may be called call-by-result.
But the most amusing evaluation strategy of all is the efforts some companies make to separate the performance review process from the salary review process.
Since this is the only available reduction, has no normal form (under any evaluation strategy).
This means that various nondeterministic evaluation strategies are relevant.
Applying technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.
The bottom-up evaluation strategy maintains the set of facts proved so far during evaluation.
More generally, the top-down evaluation strategy may cycle over possible derivations, possibly when other ones exist.
See evaluation strategy for the specific case dealing with the lambda calculus.