The analysis and evaluation of the data to turn it into useful information at the fourth stage involves collating the quantitative assessments and ranking them in order.
Elementary evaluation involves collecting data on service provision, but examining the effectiveness and efficiency of services is a more demanding task.
The initial evaluation of pulmonary valve stenosis involves echocardiography.
The initial evaluation involves X-rays of the affected site, but the only way to confirm the diagnosis is by tissue biopsy.
The initial evaluation of all patients with macroglossia may involve abdominal ultrasound and molecular studies for Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
The evaluation involves a number of tests, including CT scans of the chest to determine whether the AbioCor will fit.
The evaluation of nominations involves consultation between the wide-ranging expertise represented by the organization's membership and its National and Scientific Committees.
The evaluation of vibronic coupling often involve complex mathematical treatment.
The evaluation of the applicant countries must involve more than just demanding watertight border controls.