The health status of the participants was evaluated annually and all incidents of heart attack and other heart diseases, stroke, dementia and death were recorded.
Until 2009, the data were evaluated annually; since 2010, they have been evaluated on a quarterly basis.
The contractors are evaluated twice annually, and among the factors on which they are graded are general management, cost management and quality assurance.
In communist times, school-age children were evaluated annually to gauge their athletic potential.
Mastercard said its fees are evaluated annually and that it does not collect any of the interchange fee.
Now, nearly $600 million in investments later, caseloads for all of the agency's workers average between 12 and 15 children, and the foster care agencies are evaluated annually.
Grant-recipient's projects are evaluated annually.
(The level of the marketing fee will be evaluated annually, depending on expenditures.)
They will also be evaluated annually at the highest level.
The IFC is evaluated annually by the Bank's Independent Evaluation Group.