Unfortunately, for all the changes we've made in our schools, evaluating teachers is one area where nothing has changed.
The tests are also used to evaluate teachers and principals and to decide how much tax money school districts receive.
Administrators, other teachers, students and parents would have a role in evaluating teachers.
According to the rules passed today, state education officials must also establish standards for local school districts to evaluate teachers each year.
I believe that we ought to have pay for performance where we evaluate teachers.
Fourth, how can the state fairly evaluate teachers and principals?
But there definitely needs to be a way to evaluate teachers.
Principals especially who have had the main responsibility of training and evaluating new teachers over the years may now have to assume a different role.
The unions agreed to give the collaborative's administration more flexibility for scheduling and evaluating teachers.
The parties have been trying to strike a deal on how to construct a system of evaluating teachers for five months.