As one textbook advises: "It is necessary to translate your ideas into the language of variables before you can carry out or evaluate research.
By the end of the programme students are able to undertake and critically evaluate research and understand the basic principles of research methodology.
Graduates are expected to be role models in leading, developing, conducting, and evaluating innovative research, education, and clinical care in the field of geriatric neurology.
In a recent attempt to evaluate research, Van Raan concludes that 'quantitative indicators should not be used by non-peers.
Additional projects may include evaluating public programs, research and development of short presentations and materials for visitors on Court history, architecture, and collection objects.
"Commercial interests may exaggerate potential benefits from stem cells, and the commercial environment changes the way we evaluate research."
Do the group's leaders help members evaluate new research about the illness?
Evaluating interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborative research: a review of the state of the art.
He also takes a shot at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the international agency charged with evaluating research on global warming.
Bateson's cube evaluates proposed research through three criteria: