When employers evaluated employees only on the basis of résumés, physical appearance had no impact on their estimates, as one would expect.
The company's department heads then evaluate employees on how often they use those discounts compared with their fellow employees.
When quality of work is important, corporations do not generally evaluate college-educated employees by quantifiable goals.
Many employers use this standards-based system for evaluating employees and for setting salaries.
An increasingly popular technique for evaluating employees is prompting lawsuits charging discrimination at three big companies.
"There should be a better way to evaluate employees," she said.
They provide students with a taste of the business world, while also allowing employers to evaluate potential permanent employees.
General Electric, a company whose management techniques are closely followed, has long evaluated its managerial and professional employees on a curve.
The job interview is considered one of the most useful tools for evaluating potential employees.
The company's forced-ranking system, she added, was only "one of many factors" in evaluating employees.