We have zillions of euros worth of sonar on our ships.
Those numbers together suggest the EU could lose 60bn euros worth of steel business a year as a result of its climate policies.
From 19 million euros worth of base metal exports in 2004, they increased to 124 million euros in 2008.
The company also says it intends to sell at least 2.5 billion euros worth of assets by the end of 2005.
On April 21, 2011, Italian police seized around 190 million euros worth of assets of the clan.
In 2008, the Netherlands exported for almost 4 billion euros worth of goods to Turkey.
In December 2011 the French government allocated one billion euros worth of credit for financing the construction of the metro.
So now, anybody caught with less than 400 euros worth of stolen goods gets off with just a caution and is not formally arrested and charged.
He talked in his speech, for instance, of several million euros worth of fraud, while the report clearly states that we are dealing with irregularities.
Estimates vary but this fire alone caused at least two million euros worth of damage.