Like many of South Africa's euphemistically named informal settlements, Mandela Park is inhabited by the house-proud poor who have sculptured their squalor into regimental order.
When I tried to retrieve the next batch of my electronic mail, a euphemistically named "dialogue box" popped on screen.
The euphemistically named Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site produced warheads and conducted research using some of the most dangerous materials known to mankind.
Those organizations, as well as some minor functions, formed the euphemistically named Directorate of Plans in 1952.
Euphemistically named; actually a guild of prostitutes.
In 1993, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono acknowledged the terrible injustices faced by these euphemistically named "comfort women".
The entire transport was sent on to the euphemistically named Theresienstadt Family Camp at Birkenau, another model camp.
No alternative was practicable, and on 20 July the Dutch launched their euphemistically named 'police action'.
Unfortunately Britain's big stick - its armed forces - is being merged into the euphemistically named European Defence Identity, i.e. a European army.
After our shrimp and salad, we tried some euphemistically named calf fries - deep-fried bullocks' testes - which I felt obliged to order just because they were on the menu.