An ironic choice of words, etymologically speaking.
A histogram of something is therefore, etymologically speaking, a drawing of the web of this something.
A tithe is a tenth, etymologically speaking; in fact, tithe is the old ordinal numeral in English.
In old French "la râche" means "bald", etymologically speaking Montrachet therefore means "bald mountain because of its lack of vegetation.
Etymologically speaking, the name dates back to various centuries B.C., and is strictly exclusive to the Armenian region and language.
Etymologically speaking, Swahili has two "fifth" days.
Zoopoetics, etymologically speaking, has to do with how animals (zoo) help make (poiesis) a poem.
Etymologically speaking, "Gellish" is originally derived from "Generic Engineering Language."
The term "assumption" is actually broader than its standard use, etymologically speaking.