Other etymological explanations suggested are arborigines, meaning "tree-born," and aberrigines, meaning "nomads".
The traditional etymological explanations are Kuebiko from kuzue-biko (崩え彦 "disabled prince") and Yamada no Sohodo meaning "someone left soaking wet from standing guard over mountain rice fields", a euphemism for scarecrow".
Another etymological explanation is that the shotgun house takes its name from that aforementioned West African style of home.
Despite this, some writers have given etymological explanations which post-date 1163.
There are also etymological explanations in his book.
In the 19th century, one etymological explanation was that the name came from the popular Kazakh legend of the white goose (qaz means "goose", aq means "white").
There exist two possible etymological explanations of the surname Peverell.
In his etymological explanations he seeks for analogies in Bible, Talmud, Targum, and in Arabic.
Another etymological explanation of the term is "beakerful", referring to the right of an overseer to scoop from the grain being threshed by peasants.
James Hope Moulton regards Spiegel's suggestions as the best of other etymological explanations of these two names.