The length of stay enabled them to undertake for the first time real ethnographic and scientific observations of the island.
The works of Tibor Sekelj, novels and recordings of his travels, contain interesting ethnographic observations.
This may lead to targeted hypotheses that can be explored by quasi-experimental investigations, ethnographic observation or structured interviews.
In this sense, Hochschild's work combines critical theory, ethnographic observation, and a focus on human emotion.
He tied his speculation to ethnographic observations of communities in which children are involved in a complex social community with multiple relationships.
Chapter 4 in this volume recounts an ethnographic observation of Young Conservatives relaxing in their own social environment.
Includes ethnographic, biological and geological observations.
The problem with old-fashioned community studies was that they lacked any systematic procedure for linking ethnographic observation with accounts of society as a whole.
At the most localized level of analysis, ethnographic, participant- or non-participant observation, content analysis and other qualitative research methods may be appropriate.
It is based on detailed sociological surveys and ethnographic observation of the social distribution of cultural preferences.