Tipam is an ethnic village which is famous for its historical places.
An ethnic Greek village, in 1967 it contained around 300 houses, divided into two Mahalle.
In those days Detroit was less a big city than a federation of ethnic villages bound together by auto plants.
Ugartsthal - an ethnic German village, whose name was in late 1930s changed to Tespowo, after the company.
However Gorumara is encircled by many ethnic villages.
They also have attacked ethnic Sinhalese villages, hacking to death more than 90 people in the last week.
The aim of the event is to give platform to the rich cultural heritage of ethnic Hungarian villages in the region.
The Llugiqis, like the rest of this ethnic Albanian village of about 2,500 people, have not left their homes.
Insurgents also started digging in above the big ethnic Macedonian village of Lesok.
If you don't want to be a part of "a bunch of westerners (going) into ethnic villages to gawk at the locals."