Americans have made tremendous progress on matters of racial and ethnic tolerance over the past three or four decades.
Most of those who stayed, he said, want to revive the ethnic tolerance that existed before the war.
Coexistence, a movement emphasizing peace and ethnic tolerance 9.
Brucino says that they used their positions of power "to increase ethnic and religious tolerance.
The conflict has strained the ethnic tolerance that Mali was once known for.
Today, the father of a 13-year-old boy who died from the gas used by Russian forces when they raided the theater pleaded for ethnic tolerance.
The cleavage was strange in a country that was long known for its ethnic tolerance.
It is a first step in a move to teach racial and ethnic tolerance.
With ethnic tolerance one of the lessons the show hammers, it is obvious he will turn out to be innocent.
He did this in a most un-Balkan way, by advocating ethnic tolerance.