With high levels of immigration, rising rates of intermarriage and groups clamoring for recognition, America's racial and ethnic stew is undergoing radical change.
When Yugoslavia fell apart in the early 1990's, the groups began to compete inside new, smaller units, sparking violence, especially in the ethnic stew of Bosnia.
This encounter takes place in the Grand Central Market, where the whole diverse ethnic stew of Los Angeles comes together.
Incongruities in Elmhurst abound, all a part of the rich ethnic stew that makes up this stretch of immigrant America.
But here in the pulsing ethnic stew that was South Florida, Bob Marley's music, even a decade after his death, was everywhere.
They miss the Big Apple's hearty ethnic stew and its intellectual effervescence.
They are the city's elderly residents, longtime New Yorkers from all parts of its ethnic stew, grappling one more time with an unruly home in distress.
For Janet Johnson, a political science professor, the ethnic stew was invigorating.
Some of it has been absorbed into the New York idiom, just as every immigrant group before and since has contributed flavor to the ethnic stew.
They have far less to do with the battle for City Hall than with race relations in this ethnic stew of a city.