But the main international priority at this moment is to avoid another bout of ethnic slaughter between these two peoples.
The unit has been implicated in the ethnic slaughter of pygmies and cannibalism.
What could be more old-fashioned than the ethnic slaughters in Bosnia and Chechnya?
Mere "engagement" in the face of ethnic slaughter will lead to many more deaths.
The specter of full-scale ethnic slaughter is never far off.
Reports of ethnic slaughter are horrifying and credible, but military facts are far from clear.
Thousands of children listed in 1994 as abandoned or orphaned during months of ethnic slaughter and flight have yet to be reunited with any relatives.
Hundreds of thousands have died in ethnic slaughters in the area and more than two million people are refugees.
Political and practical obstacles make it unlikely that many of those who engineered the ethnic slaughter in Bosnia will be captured and brought to trial.
By discouraging future ethnic slaughters, that would give an added moral justification to saving the Kosovars.