He wrote an outspoken critique of racist discourse, denouncing Romanian fascism as a tool for German spies, and actively supported ethnic pluralism.
Those who defended ethnic pluralism and the Indians right to worship as they chose, including dancing, were denounced as "anti-American, and subversive... agents of Moscow."
The Quebec separatist manifesto speaks glowingly of ethnic pluralism and diversity.
"Reel New York," promising material that "reflects the broad ethnic, social and cultural pluralism of the metropolitan area," is the latest effort, a collaboration between Channel 13 and local media arts organizations.
The Ralph J. Bunche Award, 2003, American Political Science Association, for the best scholarly work in political science which explores the phenomenon of ethnic and cultural pluralism.
This consolidation helped to form a distinct local identity based on language, religious and ethnic pluralism, and distinctiveness from other parts of Silesia.
Latvia accepts ethnic pluralism for its historical minorities and is struggling to find an equitable solution to the status of hundreds of thousands of economic settlers brought in under Soviet rule.
They fostered ethnic and religious pluralism, cemented by constant negotiation, face-saving gestures, threats and backroom deals.
Arias focuses on urban Chicano life, especially "the struggle between imagination and rationalism and the transcendent possibilities of ethnic pluralism."