Nor did Serbia's actions tame further ethnic passions; rather, they exacerbated nationalist demands in other parts of Yugoslavia.
They are appalled at the flip side of freedom, with its ethnic passion and local wars.
A lawyer for the Republican Party helped stir ethnic passions by contending that the recount was biased against Hispanic voters.
But ethnic political passions are clearly a backdrop against which the discussions among Bronx Democrats will take place.
But it is particularly sharp in Boston, where ethnic passions are always near the surface and where the large university population often gives politics a liberal cast.
But it is particularly sharp in Boston, where ethnic passions are always near the surface.
With so many other lands newly seething with ethnic passions, Bosnia's fate rings with wider relevance.
Franjo Tudjman, the President of Croatia, is not much better when it comes to inflaming ethnic passions.
And the Croatian press, especially the state-run television and radio, daily includes items that seem calculated to stir ethnic passions.
How nations accommodate ethnic, religious and linguistic passions continues to be an important question for South Asia as a whole.