These concerns were placed in the context of a self-definition: the Ogonis as "a separate and distinct ethnic nationality."
This was how the whole of Baliland became a British possession at the beginning of the 20th Century like any other ethnic nationality in Nigeria.
The Panglong qua UNFC plan was developed by this coalition of ethnic nationalities.
In Estonia, there are 121 different ethnic nationalities, and October - the month of the Estonian nationalities - is dedicated to them.
There was also an attempt by those who chose appointees to the commission to make sure that all major ethnic nationalities had representation in the body.
Mr. Leskiw was among the first to recognize the value of organizing ethnic nationalities in solidarity with a major American political parties.
Eastern Europeans are also once again defining themselves through ethnic nationality and restricting the rights of minorities.
DPNS has worked in partnership with all democratic forces and ethnic nationalities to strengthen the process of democratization and achieve national reconciliation.
The then Benue-Plateau State comprised more than thirty ethnic nationalities.
The Ottoman millet system (citizenship) began to degrade with the continuous identification of the religious creed with ethnic nationality.