It is unlikely that population heterogeneity could explain our results: in each population, cases and controls were carefully selected to minimize ethnic heterogeneity.
Various ethnic groups lived side by side (this ethnic heterogeneity is preserved until today in certain parts of Vojvodina, Bačka and Banat).
Their independent variables were economic conditions by square-mile areas, ethnic heterogeneity, and population turnover.
The issue, panelists said, revolves around balancing free market forces with the economic and ethnic heterogeneity that many residents say first attracted them to the area.
There is also much discussion among academia concerning the creation of an index for "ethnic heterogeneity".
Increased ethnic heterogeneity increases tolerance up to a point but beyond this tolerance decreases.
The negative effect of increased ethnic heterogeneity is stronger when looking at larger areas such as nations compared to smaller areas such as neighborhoods.
As he read over them again, he couldn't help but notice how much the surnames reflected the ethnic heterogeneity of American culture.
The report correctly stresses the need to take ethnic and faith-based heterogeneity into account in EU legislation in order to protect all people from violence and discrimination.
Meanwhile, the stronger government, university, greater ethnic heterogeneity and labour class presence in Edmonton has helped to keep the city on the political left by Albertan standards.