Vulgar sexual terms have become acceptable in the last two decades while all manner of racial or ethnic epithets have become unspeakable.
Others, primarily racial or ethnic epithets, can be considered part of hate speech and are now considered more profane than they once were.
Mr. Hyde made clear that he, too, deplored racial and ethnic epithets.
And Stout puts seven consecutive ethnic epithets in Cramer's mouth, at least five of which would in later years be considered offensive.
Many Harmful Things' The policy prohibits what it defines as harassment, including the "use of racial or ethnic epithets."
Q. In your fourth edition, your label for racial and ethnic epithets was "derogatory."
For example, the police require that a racial, religious, ethnic or antigay epithet be expressed at the commencement of the crime.
He declined to answer whether he had heard an ethnic epithet, but added: "It was more than me who heard it.
His characterizations stunned United Nations officials, who avoid even the hint of ethnic epithet.
This ethnic epithet is often employed in print (and conversation) with a prejudice that is intended to sting.