Counting yourself, there might be three people of African descent in the country, although some of the Crimeans and ethnic Mongols are a bit dark.
Many ethnic Mongols, especially the young, speak fluent Chinese.
But rural ethnic Mongols have kept more of their traditions.
Namdakov is originally from a Russian region which borders Mongolia and is home to many ethnic Mongols.
The speakers are officially classified as ethnic Mongols, although they speak a Loloish language.
He was ethnic Mongol, and participated in the Mongolian Autonomous Movement.
The Soviet Union's 500,000 ethnic Mongols, just across the border, are already becoming more nationalistic, but the impact is likely to be greater elsewhere.
There are 497 ethnic Mongols.
An ethnic Mongol, he was one of the highese-ranking non-Chinese in the party leadership.
There are approximately 5.8 million ethnic Mongols living in China.