Prepare highly capable and ethically responsible professional educators who are committed to improving educational conditions, opportunities and outcomes for all students.
All were later founded to provide loans (and sometimes grants) to socially relevant and ethically responsible initiatives.
She was a signatory of the statement, "On human embryos and medical research: an appeal for ethically responsible science and public policy."
Achievement of these goals will result in their becoming socially and ethically responsible adults.
"It suggests the way he feels ethically responsible for the material he's using, especially if it's a material that implies denunciation," she said.
Genetic screening can be a valuable addition to the present diagnostic techniques, but only if it is used in an ethically responsible manner.
When we have gained the capacity for recognition, the imperative is to perform that recognition and thereby become ethically responsible to the Other in conscience.
The president might have offered such scientists some reassurance that he would be flexible and help scientists engage in ethically responsible science.
The society has been praised as an ethically responsible canine association.
Marketers are ethically responsible for what is marketed and the image that a product portrays.