Praise and blame are therefore types of ethical responses involving attitudes directed at people who have acted in praise or blameworthy fashion.
But the cuts were approved, a move that Mr. Raful characterized as the "moral, ethical response" to a glutted market for lawyers.
Go back to the human scale: human needs and human relationships, and from that springs the ethical response of stewardship to the environment.
Today's Muslim leaders, for their part, seem unable to formulate an ethical response to the challenges of the modern world.
How can visual representations of the other facilitate or foreclose certain ethical responses from viewers?
How do different images influence our ethical responses and moral behavior in different ways?
To what extent do our ethical responses to images take place pre-reflectively, by visual-perceptual processes in the body-mind, before images even come to consciousness?
Our ethical responses to the information provided has been shifting as well.
Becoming a vegetarian is only the most minimal ethical response to the magnitude of the evil.
This means that an appropriate ethical response will be very difficult to find, requiring a great deal of profound reflection.