To my eternal regret, it wasn't.
To the eternal regret of his mother, Beth, he had never been blessed with great courage or stamina.
I had been hoping to see him in recent weeks before he died, I guess like many others, but failed to make the time - to my eternal regret.
Symonds, in contrast, had confessed, expressing his "eternal regret and shame" for his role in the scheme.
To her eternal regret, her adoptive parents had become his victims as well, prey to the murderer's need to neutralize the fragile connection she could make to his past crimes.
'To your eternal regret?'
In it I explained who I was, and how I, when much younger, had to my eternal regret fallen out with her husband.
To his eternal regret, he knew.
At first, his attempt was only partially successful-almost to my eternal regret.
And no doubt that is to Diana's eternal regret.