In voodoo, twins are believed to have an eternal bond and magical powers.
The Bahá'í teachings on marriage see it as an eternal bond that survives past the lives of the partners in the physical life, and into the spiritual worlds.
"A couple should study each other's character and spend time getting to know each other before they decide to marry, and when they do marry it should be with the intention of establishing an eternal bond."
It is in our eternal bond that we find greatness in our unrivaled unity.
And these will retain an eternal bond with the dead.
The circular design represents the eternal bond that a couple commits to on their special day, and it's a tradition for some to preserve their moment in time by engraving the inside of their wedding bands.
How the family values, proper education, righteousness and eternal bond between the brothers help them getting together forms the rest of the story.
With American and German flags presenting a forest of color behind him, the President followed his idol, John F. Kennedy, in using the German language to proclaim an eternal bond.
In classic mismatched romances, the characters recognize some deep, eternal bond beneath their differences.
Through the battle, the siren song of the promise of an eternal bond would call and call.