As of March 31, 2011, the city has an estimated total population of 102,455, with a household number of 35,831.
Dewait has an estimated total population of approximately 10,000 to 15,000 people including those of the adjoining areas.
It takes in the town of Moulins, and has an estimated total population of 77,746.
Besides its picturesque beauty, the lake is the haunt of 85 species of water-birds with estimated populations between 20,000-38,000.
Based on figures from the 2007 census, Injibara has an estimated total population of 21,065, of whom 10,596 are males and 10,469 are females.
As of 2006, Erie and Niagara Counties had a combined estimated population of 1,154,378.
This was more than the current estimated total population of the species.
In 2008 the maximal estimated population counted 3,742.
In the case of several species the estimated populations are as low as a few 1000 mature birds, spread over a considerable area.
The city has an estimated total population of 126,217.