Today it is estimated at 61 million, with 40 percent of the people under 15.
The population of the city is estimated 20,000, with some 280,000 in the entire district.
Construction costs were estimated as $1.4bn with a project time of five years.
Their total number is estimated at 80,000, with more than half of them in Norway.
Their total population is estimated at 750, with most living in Colombia.
The population is estimated to be 250, with no more than 40 children attending school.
It is estimated that 42 people died, with another 71 missing and 283 hurt.
The number of victims is estimated at about 22,000, with 21,768 being a lower bound.
The total loss was estimated at $20,000, with $6,000 of that being feathers alone.
It is estimated to be 7.1 ( 4) billion years old, with a mass close to that of our Sun.