He estimated demand for planes the size of the A380 at just 320 aircraft over the next two decades, or 11 percent of the total market.
One way to estimate human demand compared to ecosystem's carrying capacity is "Ecological footprint" accounting.
This can then be used to estimate demand for the product in another country for which statistics are not available.
But she and other medical experts concede that measuring outcomes is significantly harder than estimating demand for their services.
Adding fiber later on is a nightmare, so you need to estimate current and future demand as well as possible.
Two years ago, I worked as part of a team to estimate residential demand for broadband.
She said 1996 was too far ahead for most bus companies to estimate demand.
The commission now estimates monthly demand from its own historical data and production records of 2,700 separate Texas gas fields.
Temperature forecasts are used by utility companies to estimate demand over coming days.
If the level of money incomes in the economy is known, it might be possible to estimate the transactions and precautionary demand for money.