Current estimates conclude that this applies to a majority of Albanians, with 65-70 percent of the population not adhering to any religion.
Some estimates conclude that about 30,000 bonfires are lit in this way all over Catalonia on that night.
Even then, the estimate concludes, the bomb would be low-yield, too bulky to deliver by missile or even by aircraft, and might not detonate.
A 1998 estimate concluded that inspections cost each facility $1,549 annually and the average cost to reach compliance with MQSA was $18,000.
Current estimates conclude that the number of Muslims in the world is around 1.6 billion.
Other estimates conclude that the cost of the medical liability system, including defensive medicine, is up to 3%.
Although field work was traditionally considered to be "men's work," different estimates conclude that between 63-80 percent of women worked in the fields.
A recent estimate by the trade representative's office concluded that China's failure to crack down on pirate companies cost American entertainment countries some $800 million in lost exports last year.
Presently, Nigeria is the seventh most populous country in the world, and even conservative estimates conclude that more than 20% of the world's black population lives in Nigeria.
They reflected the best information available, but unfortunately, one estimate concluded that the Chinese would not intervene in Korea, another major intelligence failure.