The estimate cited Iraq's alleged willingness to pay top dollar for the tubes, up to $17.50 each, as evidence they were for secret centrifuges.
Beyond tubes, the estimate cited several other "key judgments" that supported its assessment.
Senator Baucus said that if the estimates of tax evasion cited at the hearing were correct, then a crackdown could raise $300 billion annually.
Absolute poverty as of 2001 was below 2% (however, another estimate for 2000 cited 11.5%).
More recent estimates cite significantly higher circulation numbers of around 50,000.
Other estimates cite current size to be between 15,000 (1983) and 38,000 (1997).
A startling estimate often cited is that as many as one in every eight Baltimore residents is a substance abuser.
An estimate published in Haaretz newspaper cites 180 killed and 700 wounded.
Earlier estimates cited numbers as high as 25 to 40 million.
The estimate also cites progress in attacking terrorist networks throughout the world, particularly efforts to kill or capture Qaeda senior leaders, the administration officials said.