Joshua's pliant disposition did not shield him from humiliation by Gamaliel a second time, and the wrong done to this highly esteemed scholar was the cause of Gamaliel's removal from office.
They knew that the esteemed scholar who chose the data had stated in writing that he did not know how the data would affect the experiment.
Threatened by a possible rebellion within his empire, the Abbasid Caliph asked esteemed scholars and jurists to issue an edict claiming that the Fatimids were not descended from Ali.
The esteemed scholars in the Hoysala court, Harihara and Raghavanka, were Virashaivas.
Next to Professor Landreth, Gifford had been the most esteemed scholar in the entire department.
Dunlop was the "most esteemed scholar of the Khazar monarchy."
The esteemed scholar dismissed our friend, saying: 'Now is not the time.
Mr. Lieberman, a heavyset man with fiercely slanting eyebrows and an endearingly cranky manner, is among the most esteemed scholars of modern art in this country.
Naomi Jewel Mezey is an esteemed legal scholar and is currently a Professor of Law at Georgetown University.
This is where esteemed scholars and researchers have to stress more while they strive to bring out their valuable observations and opinion.