The estate had been held in trust by the second brother.
The Street was another ancient estate held by a family of the same name.
In the 19th century the estate was held by the Parke family.
Most of the land belonged to large estates held by influential local families.
Arizona now accounts for about $1.7 billion, or 9.6 percent of the total real estate held by the trust corporation.
His will directed that his estate be held together for five years.
From 1456 and for the next hundred years, the estate was held in fee by members of the Skovgaard family.
The bank said it had reduced its portfolio of real estate held for sale by $500 million in the quarter.
There were a total of 5,833 large estates, chiefly held by the Muslims.
The estate was held in trust until Joseph's death, when it was turned over to his son.