Indeed, the countrywide real estate downturn has been a mixed blessing for discounters.
Even they have not escaped the real estate downturn unscathed.
Construction companies have also avoided the kind of overbuilding that plagued some regions during the real estate downturn of the early 1990's.
They were sharply affected by the 2005 real estate downturn.
Nor has the real estate downturn brought an end to the trans-Hudson migration of Manhattan companies.
Travelers is heavily exposed to the nationwide real estate downturn.
But it also did not anticipate the real estate downturn of the late 1980's.
At the time, the construction of another tower was considered; however this never did materialize, which is a possible result of the real estate downturn.
Still, Arizona is a fast-growing state and the bank has made it through previous real estate downturns.
First American is suffering from the real estate downturn, but the Comptroller's report also said its legal troubles contributed to the poor rating.