Jón's victory is widely seen as a backlash against establishment politicians in the wake of Iceland's 2008-2011 financial crisis.
No establishment politician dared to say it, but racial tension, more than any other factor, was responsible for the "crisis" of the city.
A seasoned establishment politician, he campaigns as an outsider pledged to drain the ethical "swamp" of state government.
German establishment politicians have also been slow to react to the rising tide of violence against foreigners.
But analysts see the choice of an establishment politician like Mr. Penny, rather than an outsider, as a crucial step in the party's evolution.
The act had the support of both Democratic and Republican "establishment" politicians.
But his way has been greased by a willingness of establishment politicians of the right and the left to use him for their own partisan ends.
He has also infuriated establishment politicians and received a few nasty phone messages that he will be passing on to the police.
Remind you of anyone, this opposition leader who demonstrates the 'deceptive placidity' of an establishment politician?
Dastugue said that establishment politicians ridiculed his reform attempts.